Two Disciples Just Shootin' The Breeze
02/14/25 - 07:05PM MST
Don't Call Me A Right-Winger
09/29/24 - 04:02PM MST
How LDS Leaders Got The First Law Of Heaven All Twisted Up
09/08/24 - 10:50AM MST
Here's Why I Love Amber Rose
07/28/24 - 01:42PM MST
The Earth Is Flat! (Maybe)
02/11/24 - 02:19AM MST
"We Are Against Israel Because We Are Jews"
01/06/24 - 11:12PM MST
The 'Israel' Scam: How America's Christian Churches Bought The Con
11/12/23 - 04:36PM MST
How Mormons Should Think About The War In Israel
10/22/23 - 11:49AM MST
What The Book of Mormon Says About Abortion
10/01/23 - 03:45PM MST
A Fountain Of Filthy Water
08/06/23 - 01:01PM MST
This May Herald The Beginning Of The End For The Vaccine Scam
06/24/23 - 11:22PM MST
Restoration Conference
05/21/23 - 10:34AM MST
Zion WILL Come
03/12/23 - 04:16PM MST
Why It's Nearly Impossible To Sue The LDS Church For Fraud
01/22/23 - 02:18PM MST
Here's An Oldie But Goodie: Did The Lord Choose Not To Anoint 'The Lord's Anointed'?
12/18/22 - 10:55AM MST
Don't Call Me A Right-Winger
10/30/22 - 02:46PM MST
Politics And Religion Revisited
08/14/22 - 03:01PM MST
This Is Not A 'Gay' Thing
06/26/22 - 02:47PM MST
Okay, So The Church Has Been Hijacked -- NOW What Do We Do?
05/22/22 - 09:01AM MST
Why Are You Still Calling This Guy A Prophet Of God?
04/02/22 - 06:12PM MST
Reigning With Blood And Horror On The Earth
03/20/22 - 01:42PM MST
Normal Isn't Coming Back
03/13/22 - 05:24PM MST
They're Trying To Get You To Support Another Phony War
02/26/22 - 07:57PM MST
My Interview At Mormon Book Reviews Podcast
02/19/22 - 07:22PM MST
Is The Vaccine Passport The Mark Of The Beast?
01/23/22 - 03:32PM MST