Theory of Aesthetics for Graph Visualizations
04/28/20 - 11:33AM MST
AI: Philosophy or Science
06/29/18 - 01:11AM MST
AI: Cognitive vs. Engineering Approaches
06/10/18 - 11:38AM MST
AI: Narrow AI vs. General AI
04/01/18 - 01:10PM MST
AI: Weak AI vs. Strong AI
03/27/18 - 06:09AM MST
AI: Simulation vs. Emulation
03/25/18 - 07:50PM MST
What is consciousness?
01/15/18 - 06:12PM MST
Value-based New Year's Resolutions
12/31/17 - 06:11PM MST
The Expectation Problem of Human-like Interfaces
09/03/16 - 02:04PM MST
Theism, Atheism, and Mormonism
11/20/14 - 04:52PM MST
Apple Watch Dimensions Diagrammed
09/13/14 - 06:12PM MST
What makes a great designer?
09/01/14 - 10:25PM MST
Introduction to some philosophical principles
05/29/14 - 09:50PM MST
Is Economics a Science?
10/23/13 - 05:06PM MST
True Individualism vs. False Individualism
09/02/13 - 09:00PM MST
Books on the Political Divide
06/01/13 - 11:52AM MST
Philosophical Analysis of the LDS Sacrament
05/26/13 - 01:14PM MST
What does holiness mean?
05/06/13 - 10:32PM MST
Human Rights
04/28/13 - 11:39AM MST
God, Language, and Reality
03/17/13 - 02:15PM MST