Collative Learning
1 subscribers - submitted by
Rob Ager on Dan Leberg's Academic Elitism, film critique and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
02/05/25 - 10:38AM MST
Was Stanley Kubrick killed? (Part 3) Seven alternate theories. Eyes Wide Shut. Rob Ager.
02/01/25 - 05:34AM MST
Magnum Productions - misleading "be a contestant" offer for Wisdom of the Crowd TV show
02/01/25 - 05:34AM MST
Was Stanley Kubrick killed? (Part 2) Counter-arguments against assassination / re-edit theories
01/16/25 - 04:32PM MST
Was Stanley Kubrick killed? (Part 1) Assassination and EYES WIDE SHUT re-edit theories explained.
01/10/25 - 09:49AM MST
Full Metal Jacket: Kubrick's anti-brainwashing masterpiece - film analysis by Rob Ager
12/10/24 - 04:06AM MST
THE THING (1982) About the frozen specimen ...
10/08/24 - 08:43AM MST
ALIEN ROMULUS is boring / bad / awful - review Rob Ager
08/19/24 - 11:50AM MST
THE THING (1982) - 13 theories explored, you decide
07/11/24 - 07:24AM MST
Optical anxiety in ALIEN 1979 & ALIEN ISOLATION - film analysis & game analysis by Rob Ager
04/09/24 - 06:01AM MST
THE SHINING - return of the hag !!! (another previously missed subliminal)
01/01/24 - 09:44AM MST
Was EYES WIDE SHUT re-edited after Kubrick's death? Jan Harlan answers.
12/15/23 - 10:02AM MST
Decline of Youtube - blocked vids, fake reviews, shadow bans, clickbait, hidden dislikes etc
10/05/23 - 06:04PM MST
The spiritual realms of APOCALYPSE NOW - film analysis by Rob Ager
09/12/23 - 12:24PM MST
PREDATOR film analysis - story structure and plot logistics - by Rob Ager
08/02/23 - 11:13AM MST