03/27/12 - 05:32PM MST
2012 Chakra Trends: Rainbows Without the Rain
07/07/11 - 06:47AM MST
WHAT is up with 2012--Just the Facts Ma'am!
09/07/10 - 07:13AM MST
Preparing for our 2012 Chakras
09/05/10 - 08:39PM MST
Crown Chakra: "I see My face in God's Countenance...Oh LOVE Open, Show me my Country, Take me HOME"
03/07/09 - 04:38PM MST
Before I had a brain...I had the INTUITION of my Third EYE
03/07/09 - 04:12PM MST
Throat Chakra: "I love that outfit...It's just so ME!"
03/07/09 - 03:41PM MST
Breath of the Heart...Chakra Four
12/01/08 - 11:34PM MST
The Power to Stand and BE...Chakra THREE
11/23/08 - 10:43PM MST
Your Second Chakra...SHHHHHHH!
11/12/08 - 10:31PM MST
Liberating Current: Chakra ONE
11/11/08 - 10:10PM MST
It's Thurdsay, do you know where your CHAKRAS are?
10/08/08 - 09:26PM MST