Reconciliation of Science and Religion
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The Gift of Fire ~ The Shadow ~ Dr. Jordan Peterson ‘IN THIS SIGN CONQUER’ ~ the Meaning of Music leads us to the Sa
12/15/11 - 09:24AM MST
“…MY GOD (ELI) MY GOD (ELI) why has Thou forsaken me (lama sabachthani)?”
11/19/11 - 12:21PM MST
“…I37 and the Hall hEIL Effect”
11/09/11 - 09:39AM MST
DNA codons taken as Sun/Moon ratio yields the Fine Structure Constant 1/128 and 1/137 and 1/146
09/27/11 - 04:18AM MST
“LSD found in Solomon’s Temple ~ HIDDEN DIMENSIONS ~ LEvI priests I37 Magnetosphere changes” by invoking ̷
09/03/11 - 06:25AM MST
“…the Talking Heads and the Walking Dead” are activated using mirrored I^37 LEvI priestly fine structure magi
08/28/11 - 07:03AM MST
Card X – LSD the League for Spiritual Discovery – Nikola Tesla – Nassim Haramein – 4 EvangELIsts –
08/19/11 - 09:07AM MST
MANDALAS help unlock the ‘real secret’ to ‘The Secret’ which is learning about OUTSMARTING the LEFT Brai
08/15/11 - 08:48AM MST
2012 unv-IEL-ing = YHVH = ‘The Lord’ = I37 = 5wa5tika introducing Charles Fleischer’s Moleeds
04/03/11 - 03:11PM MST
“…Sator Square + 137 + 55 = How to make TIME disappear”
04/01/11 - 10:07AM MST