I hate the environment functor
10/11/57 - 10:00PM MST
Addendum: optical illusion
05/30/51 - 10:00PM MST
Reordering git commits (not patches) with interactive rebase
05/31/50 - 10:00PM MST
Frank Baum's uncomfortable relationship with Oz
09/02/49 - 10:00PM MST
Linear mappings of projective space
09/02/49 - 10:00PM MST
A software archaeology screwup
09/02/49 - 10:00PM MST
I screw up buying a marker
07/31/49 - 10:00PM MST
How quickly did dentists start trying to use X-rays?
09/02/48 - 10:00PM MST
Yogi Bear and Ranger Smith
09/02/48 - 10:00PM MST
Why I never finish my Haskell programs (part 2 of ∞)
09/08/47 - 10:00PM MST
Applicative WTF?
09/08/46 - 10:00PM MST
In which, to my surprise, I find myself belonging to a group
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
Yesterday's metric has a name
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
The food I couldn't eat
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
Don't do this
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
Don't do this either
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
Jackson and Gregg on optimization
07/30/45 - 10:00PM MST
George Washington's Breakfast
07/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
Testing for divisibility by 7
07/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
Self-warming sake bottle
07/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
Operations that are not quite associative
07/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
Shitpost roundup, 2018-06
07/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
Geeky boasting about dictionaries
04/30/44 - 10:00PM MST
I figured out that context manager bug!
12/04/40 - 11:00PM MST
Parcels and motes
10/11/40 - 10:00PM MST
Best fanfic this month
04/25/39 - 10:00PM MST
Hell is the absence of God
04/25/39 - 10:00PM MST
Men who are the husbands of someone important
04/25/39 - 10:00PM MST
Sometimes it matters how you get there
04/25/39 - 10:00PM MST
Benjamin Wade
09/25/38 - 10:00PM MST
Getting Applicatives from Monads and “>>=” from “join”
10/23/36 - 10:00PM MST
Disco ball technology
06/07/36 - 10:00PM MST
Workarounds for semantic problems
08/27/35 - 10:00PM MST
Hidden emeralds
04/22/35 - 10:00PM MST
Another day, another bug. No, four bugs.
12/02/34 - 11:00PM MST
An optical illusion?
05/29/34 - 10:00PM MST
Dumpster fires
04/16/34 - 10:00PM MST
Anglo-Saxon and Hawai‘ian Wikipedias
04/07/34 - 10:00PM MST
How many kinds of polygonal loops?
11/29/33 - 11:00PM MST
Another trivial utility: git-q
11/02/33 - 10:00PM MST
A fake keyword example
08/08/33 - 10:00PM MST
Is this weird Haskell technique something I made up?
08/08/33 - 10:00PM MST
Useful and informative article about privately funded border wall
07/06/33 - 10:00PM MST
03/30/33 - 10:00PM MST
More about auto-generated switch-cases
10/28/32 - 10:00PM MST
DLR insurance business
08/28/32 - 10:00PM MST
Miscellaneous addenda about Catholic priest sex abuse
08/20/32 - 10:00PM MST
Missing moods in English
05/30/32 - 10:00PM MST
Language fluency in speech and print
09/12/31 - 10:00PM MST
git log --follow enthusiastically tracks empty files
09/10/31 - 10:00PM MST
Southern Strategy
09/17/30 - 10:00PM MST
How not to reconfigure your sshd
11/08/29 - 11:00PM MST
A snide addendum about implicit typeclass instances
10/26/29 - 10:00PM MST
Fare-dodging insurance businesses
09/14/29 - 10:00PM MST
What does it mean to expand a function “in powers of x-1”?
07/31/28 - 10:00PM MST
A puzzle about representing numbers as a sum of 3-smooth numbers
11/13/27 - 11:00PM MST
Holy cow audiobooks
09/02/27 - 10:00PM MST
Major screwups in mathematics: example 3
02/06/27 - 11:00PM MST
How do you make a stella octangula?
11/16/26 - 11:00PM MST
Free coffee again
10/02/26 - 10:00PM MST
Zipfian regression
09/24/25 - 10:00PM MST
Addendum to “Weirdos during the Depression”
07/07/25 - 10:00PM MST
Geeking out over arbitrary boundaries
06/24/25 - 10:00PM MST
The two-bit huckster in medieval Italy
06/09/25 - 10:00PM MST
Genealogy of the House of Reuss
02/11/25 - 10:00AM MST
Just give the man the fish!
02/06/25 - 09:00AM MST
Claude helps me find more presidential emoji
02/05/25 - 11:00AM MST
02/03/25 - 09:00AM MST
A complex bug with a ⸢simple⸣ fix
11/29/24 - 08:00AM MST
Another corner of Pennsylvania
08/31/24 - 12:00PM MST
Dancing bread
08/24/24 - 01:00PM MST
08/21/24 - 10:00AM MST
Poor Richard's Almanack
08/13/24 - 08:00AM MST
Stuff I wanted to say to the historic district people but didn't
08/06/24 - 12:00PM MST
Examples of left and right inverses
08/05/24 - 08:00AM MST
Loki the comedian
07/12/24 - 11:00AM MST
Ron Graham has died
07/08/24 - 10:00PM MST
A triviality about numbers that look like abbc
07/05/24 - 09:00AM MST
My reply to the people who want to designate my neighborhood a "historic district"
07/03/24 - 10:00AM MST
A potpourri of cool-looking scripts
06/22/24 - 10:00AM MST
Horst Wessel and John Birch
05/17/24 - 11:00AM MST
ChatGPT opines on cruciferous vegetables, Decameron, and Scheherazade
05/13/24 - 11:00AM MST
It's an age of marvels
05/12/24 - 10:00AM MST
Cleaning up 404 errors
05/07/24 - 10:00PM MST
Hawat! Hawat! Hawat! A million deaths are not enough for Hawat!
04/29/24 - 02:00PM MST
Rod R. Blagojevich will you please go now?
04/28/24 - 12:00PM MST
Well, I guess I believe everything now!
04/23/24 - 12:00PM MST
R.I.P. Oddbins
04/22/24 - 03:00PM MST
Talking Dog > Stochastic Parrot
04/22/24 - 11:00AM MST
Try it and see
04/15/24 - 11:00AM MST
Stuff that is and isn't backwards in Australia
04/14/24 - 10:00AM MST
3-coloring the vertices of an icosahedron
04/13/24 - 09:00AM MST
Screensharing your talk slides is skeuomorphic
04/05/24 - 10:00PM MST
Stuff that is backwards in Australia
03/31/24 - 11:00AM MST
Children and adults see in very different ways
03/04/24 - 12:00PM MST
Even without an alien invasion, February 22 on Talos I would have been a shitshow
03/03/24 - 10:00AM MST
Etymology roundup 2024-02
02/15/24 - 11:00AM MST
The pleasures of dolmen-licking
02/14/24 - 10:00AM MST
My Git pre-commit hook contained a footgun
12/16/23 - 10:00AM MST
Recent addenda to articles 202311:
12/15/23 - 09:00AM MST
Compass points in Czech
12/03/23 - 09:00AM MST
Math SE report 2023-10: Peano's definition of addition is not a tautology, and what was great about Ramanujan?
12/02/23 - 11:00AM MST
Obsolete spellings and new ligatures in the names of famous persons
12/01/23 - 11:00AM MST
Uncountable sets for seven-year-olds
11/28/23 - 08:00AM MST
A Qmail example of dealing with unavoidable race conditions
11/27/23 - 11:00AM MST
Math SE report 2023-09: Sense and reference, Wason tasks, what is a sequence?
11/24/23 - 09:00AM MST
Help wanted: blog redesign
10/23/23 - 08:00AM MST
Cats in Romance languages
10/22/23 - 09:00AM MST
Portuguese food words in Asia
10/21/23 - 10:00AM MST
The discrete logarithm
10/15/23 - 11:00AM MST
Irish logarithm forward instead of backward
10/02/23 - 08:00AM MST
The Irish logarithm
10/01/23 - 01:00PM MST
APL matrix product operator
09/08/23 - 10:00PM MST
No plan survives contact with the enemy
08/09/23 - 10:00AM MST
Three words, three lies
08/05/23 - 08:00AM MST
How are finite fields constructed?
08/01/23 - 10:00PM MST
Lost and found authors: The Poppy Seed Cakes
07/30/23 - 10:00PM MST
The shell and its crappy handling of whitespace
07/30/23 - 09:00AM MST
Projection morphisms are (not) epic
06/25/23 - 10:00PM MST
Middle English fonts and orthography
06/10/23 - 10:00PM MST
Math SE report 2023-05: Arguments that don't work, why I am a potato, and set theory as a monastery
06/08/23 - 10:00AM MST
Why does this phrase sound so threatening?
05/31/23 - 10:00AM MST
The Master of the Pecos River returns
05/28/23 - 08:00AM MST
Hieroglyphic monkeys holding stuff
05/26/23 - 08:00AM MST
Egyptian crocodile hieroglyphs in Unicode
05/25/23 - 11:00AM MST
More notes about pain as a game mechanic
05/17/23 - 10:00AM MST
Water, polo, and water polo in Russian
05/05/23 - 08:00AM MST
Recent addenda to articles 202304: Inappropriate baseball team names and anagrams in Russian
05/04/23 - 10:00AM MST
Mathematical jargon failures
05/02/23 - 10:00PM MST
More about Sir Thomas Urquhart
04/30/23 - 10:00PM MST
Math SE report 2023-04: Simplest-possible examples, pointy regions, and nearly-orthogonal vectors
04/20/23 - 11:00AM MST
Two words, two lies
04/13/23 - 08:00AM MST
Spires of la Sagrada Família
03/27/23 - 10:00AM MST
Notes on card games played by aliens
03/24/23 - 08:00AM MST
Addenda to recent articles 202212-202302
03/23/23 - 10:00AM MST
Here I am at the Sagrada Família
03/19/23 - 11:00AM MST
Maxims and tactics for dealing with assholes on the Internet (and elsewhere)
03/09/23 - 08:00AM MST
Uniform descriptions of subspaces of the n-cube
02/28/23 - 12:00PM MST
American things with foreign-language names
02/24/23 - 09:00AM MST
This page intentionally left blank?
02/23/23 - 01:00PM MST
English signs in Korea
02/13/23 - 08:00AM MST
Looking under the lamppost
02/10/23 - 08:00AM MST
I fail to eat pickled dragonflies
02/08/23 - 10:00AM MST
Misinterpretation of ‘my’
02/08/23 - 08:00AM MST
Return of Stealing Club
12/13/22 - 08:00AM MST
Addenda to recent articles 202211
12/05/22 - 08:00AM MST
Software horror show: SAP Concur
12/04/22 - 09:00AM MST
Wombat coprolites
11/26/22 - 10:00AM MST
Addenda to recent articles 202210
11/08/22 - 10:00AM MST
A map of Haskell's numeric types
11/04/22 - 11:00AM MST
Emoji for U.S. presidents
10/31/22 - 12:00PM MST
10/30/22 - 08:00AM MST
This search algorithm is usually called "group testing"
10/23/22 - 08:00AM MST
Applicative WTF?
10/22/22 - 10:00PM MST
More notes on deriving Applicative from Monad
10/21/22 - 09:00AM MST
What's this search algorithm usually called?
10/18/22 - 09:00AM MST
Why I never finish my Haskell programs (part 1 of ∞)
09/03/22 - 10:00PM MST
Things I wish everyone knew about Git (Part II)
07/05/22 - 10:00AM MST
Things I wish everyone knew about Git (Part I)
06/29/22 - 01:00PM MST
Cakes and Ale
06/24/22 - 10:00PM MST
“Llaves” and other vanishing consonants
05/28/22 - 09:00AM MST
Cathedrals of various sorts
05/14/22 - 09:00AM MST
Mental illness, attention deficit disorder, and suffering
04/30/22 - 09:00AM MST
What was wrong with SML?
04/26/22 - 09:00AM MST
Unordered pairs and the axiom of binary choice
04/25/22 - 09:00AM MST
Pushing back against contract demands is scary but please try anyway
04/21/22 - 09:00AM MST
Notable items missing from English Wikipedia
04/16/22 - 08:00AM MST
Playing the game one level up
04/04/22 - 09:00AM MST
Olaf's new menu item
04/03/22 - 08:00AM MST
U.S. surnames with no vowels
03/26/22 - 08:00AM MST
Why no Unix error device?
03/13/22 - 10:00AM MST
More about the axioms of infinity and the empty set
02/25/22 - 09:00AM MST
“Shall” and “will” strike back from beyond the grave
02/22/22 - 08:00AM MST
Geometric proof that the mediant lies between its arguments
02/11/22 - 09:00AM MST
I would like a job writing Haskell
02/07/22 - 09:00AM MST
An unexpected turn of phrase from Robertson Davies
02/04/22 - 09:00AM MST
Excessive precision in crib slat spacing?
01/24/22 - 08:00AM MST
Bad writing
01/22/22 - 08:00AM MST
A proposal for improved language around divisibility
01/21/22 - 08:00AM MST
Testing for divisibility by 8
01/20/22 - 08:00AM MST
Pranking the Italian Senate
01/19/22 - 11:00AM MST
The squares are kinda Fibonacci-like
01/18/22 - 09:00AM MST
01/16/22 - 08:00AM MST
All polynomials of degree 3 or greater factor over the reals
01/04/22 - 09:00AM MST
Annoying Kuratowski pair projection formula
11/10/21 - 10:00AM MST
The nonassociativity of the cartesian product
10/29/21 - 08:00AM MST
Who is the namesake of the old Hungarian name for the month of June?
10/16/21 - 09:00AM MST
More words change meanings
10/10/21 - 09:00AM MST
Diminishing resources in the Korean Language
10/08/21 - 09:00AM MST
Worst. Miracle. Ever.
10/07/21 - 08:00AM MST
Neatness counts
10/03/21 - 10:00PM MST
Simplest example of Simpson's paradox
10/03/21 - 09:00AM MST
10/02/21 - 08:00AM MST
Math SE report 2023-06: funky-looking Hasse diagrams, and what is a polynomial anyway?
09/05/21 - 10:00PM MST
On having the right theorem
09/01/21 - 10:00AM MST
How to fix hiring?
08/29/21 - 08:00AM MST
Why is the S combinator an S?
08/28/21 - 09:00AM MST
What fraction of Pennsylvania Catholic priests were child molesters?
08/17/21 - 10:00PM MST
The convergents of 2x
07/22/21 - 09:00AM MST
A simple dice-throwing game that seems hard to play
07/08/21 - 08:00AM MST
Dogs that look like board games
06/28/21 - 09:00AM MST
Sufficiently advanced software
06/20/21 - 10:00PM MST
You can learn to read Middle English
06/05/21 - 10:00PM MST
Super-obscure bug in my code
05/21/21 - 10:00PM MST
Jools Holland
04/26/21 - 10:00PM MST
More soup-guzzling
04/14/21 - 08:00AM MST
04/13/21 - 09:00AM MST
Soup-guzzling pie-munchers
04/12/21 - 09:00AM MST
Synthesizer bands
03/14/21 - 08:00AM MST
Canon in Euopean languages and Arabic
03/08/21 - 09:00AM MST
Pasta la Vista
03/06/21 - 08:00AM MST
03/02/21 - 09:00AM MST
More fuckin' user interface design
02/28/21 - 10:00AM MST
The ideal gas law
02/16/21 - 09:00AM MST
Paul L. Smith as Bluto
02/13/21 - 10:00AM MST
Down in the dumps
02/09/21 - 11:00AM MST
More things that changed in later editions of Snow White
02/08/21 - 08:00AM MST
Hacking the git shell prompt
02/06/21 - 08:00AM MST
Hildebert and the mouse
02/02/21 - 08:00AM MST
James Blaine keeps turning up
01/28/21 - 11:00PM MST
A sticky problem that evaporated
01/02/21 - 11:00PM MST
Snow White in German
01/02/21 - 09:00AM MST
My big mistake about dense sets
01/01/21 - 10:00AM MST
Benjamin Franklin and the Exercises of Ignatius
12/30/20 - 08:00AM MST
12/26/20 - 10:00AM MST
Master of the Pecos River
12/15/20 - 10:00AM MST
The corner of Pennsylvania
12/10/20 - 10:00AM MST
Testing for divisibility by 19
11/22/20 - 08:00AM MST
11/21/20 - 10:00AM MST
I love the dodecahedron
11/19/20 - 11:00PM MST
A better way to do remote presentations
11/02/20 - 08:00AM MST
I struggle to understand Traversable
10/20/20 - 10:00PM MST
A minecraft mapmaking utility
10/09/20 - 10:00PM MST
Typographical mysteries of Yeadon
09/27/20 - 10:00PM MST
The mystery of the malformed command-line flags
09/23/20 - 09:00AM MST
Weasel words in headlines
09/13/20 - 10:00AM MST
Why didn't git add -p work?
08/27/20 - 10:00PM MST
Technical devices for reducing the number of axioms
08/07/20 - 10:00PM MST
Recommended reading: Matt Levine’s Money Stuff
08/06/20 - 09:00AM MST
How to explain infinity to kids
08/01/20 - 10:00PM MST
Zuul crurivastator
07/29/20 - 10:00PM MST
Calculating π with atan2()
07/07/20 - 10:00PM MST
Philadelphia Slaughterhouse Hotel
07/01/20 - 10:00PM MST
Don't let the man page write checks that the programmer can't cash
06/17/20 - 10:00PM MST
Urquhart, Rosse, and Browne
04/28/20 - 10:00PM MST
04/25/20 - 10:00PM MST
Mystery spam language
04/22/20 - 10:00PM MST
Something I didn't know and I bet you didn't either
03/29/20 - 10:00PM MST
Pauli chess
03/27/20 - 10:00PM MST
Necklaces and bracelets
12/02/19 - 11:00PM MST
How many kinds of polygonal loops? (part 2)
11/29/19 - 11:00PM MST
Hangman's Wages
10/23/19 - 10:00PM MST
'The' reader monad does not exist
10/15/19 - 10:00PM MST
Notes on using git-replace to get rid of giant objects
10/08/19 - 10:00PM MST
Addenda to recent articles 201910
10/04/19 - 10:00PM MST
More workarounds for semantic problems
08/29/19 - 10:00PM MST
08/02/19 - 10:00PM MST
Obtuse axiomatization of category theory
07/23/19 - 10:00PM MST
Weird constants in math problems
07/06/19 - 10:00PM MST
Infinite zeroes with one on the end
05/29/19 - 10:00PM MST
Earlier dumpster fires
04/16/19 - 10:00PM MST
Fern motif experts on the Internet
04/07/19 - 10:00PM MST
Social classes identified by letters
01/07/19 - 11:00PM MST
More about the happy numeric coincidence
01/02/19 - 11:00PM MST
11/26/18 - 11:00PM MST
Why I never finish my Haskell programs (part 3 of ∞)
11/09/18 - 11:00PM MST
A solution in search of a problem
10/28/18 - 10:00PM MST
A fun optimization trick from rsync
10/27/18 - 10:00PM MST
I redesign the LA Times’ Hurricane Maria chart
10/16/18 - 10:00PM MST
Why no disco balls
09/25/18 - 10:00PM MST
Perils of hacking on mature software
09/12/18 - 10:00PM MST
A maxim for conference speakers
09/11/18 - 10:00PM MST
Louis XIV, Disco King
09/02/18 - 10:00PM MST
Princess Andromeda
08/05/18 - 10:00PM MST
Git wishlist: aggregate changes across non-contiguous commits
08/03/18 - 10:00PM MST
Were giant ground sloths immune to poison ivy?
07/14/18 - 10:00PM MST
More about Middle English and related issues
06/08/18 - 10:00PM MST
Weirdos in the depression
06/02/18 - 10:00PM MST
Article explodes at the last moment
05/05/18 - 10:00PM MST
Tiers of answers to half-baked questions
04/24/18 - 10:00PM MST
Fuckin' user interface design, I swear
02/27/18 - 11:00PM MST
02/16/18 - 11:00PM MST
A happy numeric coincidence
01/01/18 - 11:00PM MST
An old post about The Big U
12/16/17 - 11:00PM MST
California corpse-tampering law
12/13/17 - 11:00PM MST
Soondubu victory
11/14/17 - 11:00PM MST
MJD's law
11/11/17 - 11:00PM MST
Wonders of the Internet, I
11/03/17 - 10:00PM MST
Let the computer do the work
11/01/17 - 10:00PM MST
A long story about many bugs
10/28/17 - 10:00PM MST
More fair cake-cutting
10/12/17 - 10:00PM MST
Ridge and valley
10/06/17 - 10:00PM MST
Breaking pills
09/19/17 - 10:00PM MST
The straight man comes first
09/17/17 - 10:00PM MST
How not to remember the prime numbers under 1,000
09/14/17 - 10:00PM MST
Chicken-fondling discouraged by the CDC
09/10/17 - 10:00PM MST
Opposites again
08/28/17 - 10:00PM MST
What causes traffic jams
08/14/17 - 10:00PM MST
Computational content of Gantō's axe
08/01/17 - 10:00PM MST
More trivia about megafauna and poisonous plants
07/15/17 - 10:00PM MST
Malicious trojan horse code hidden in large patches
06/11/17 - 10:00PM MST
The inside-outness of category theory
06/07/17 - 10:00PM MST
Caricatures of Nazis and the number four in Russian
04/06/17 - 10:00PM MST
03/31/17 - 10:00PM MST
Skin worms?
03/29/17 - 10:00PM MST
git log --author=... confused me
03/24/17 - 10:00PM MST
Congested geese
02/14/17 - 11:00PM MST
English loanwords in Korean
02/14/17 - 11:00PM MST
Minor etymological victory
12/17/16 - 11:00PM MST
60-degree angles on a lattice
11/25/16 - 11:00PM MST
The least common divisor and the greatest common multiple
11/24/16 - 11:00PM MST
Counting paths through polyhedra
11/13/16 - 11:00PM MST
Stack Exchange is a good place to explain initial and terminal objects in the category of sets
11/12/16 - 11:00PM MST
Haskell type checker complaint 184 of 698
11/08/16 - 11:00PM MST
Octopuses opening jars
11/05/16 - 10:00PM MST
Russian names in English and English names in Russian
10/30/16 - 10:00PM MST
Vowels in Korean and Mandarin
10/29/16 - 10:00PM MST
The Killer Whale Dagger
09/10/16 - 10:00PM MST
Why hooks and forks in the J language?
09/10/16 - 10:00PM MST
The exponential function is a miracle
09/08/16 - 10:00PM MST
Fake keyword origins
08/08/16 - 10:00PM MST
Catalytic converter theft
05/21/16 - 10:00PM MST
Alphabetical order in Korean
05/20/16 - 10:00PM MST
What's the difference between 0/0 and 1/0?
05/17/16 - 10:00PM MST
Two words, two lies (again)
05/09/16 - 10:00PM MST
Water, polo, and water polo in Russian
05/06/16 - 10:00PM MST
Recent addenda to articles 202304: Inappropriate baseball team names and anagrams in Russian
05/06/16 - 10:00PM MST
United States first names of newborns 1960–2021
04/01/16 - 10:00PM MST
ChatGPT on the namesake of the metric space and women named James
03/21/16 - 10:00PM MST
Debate between Bird and Fish
03/10/16 - 11:00PM MST
Gentzen's rules for natural deduction
02/13/16 - 11:00PM MST
Yet another software archaeology failure
01/27/16 - 11:00PM MST
What the fuck, Firefox?
01/16/16 - 11:00PM MST
Three Corners
01/09/16 - 11:00PM MST
History of Science Shitcommenting
11/06/15 - 11:00PM MST
Wonders of the Internet, II
11/04/15 - 11:00PM MST
Gringos and gringas
10/25/15 - 10:00PM MST
Fixed points and attractors, part 3
10/18/15 - 10:00PM MST
10/12/15 - 10:00PM MST
Incenters of chocolate-iced cakes
10/10/15 - 10:00PM MST
Free coffee
09/16/15 - 10:00PM MST
Convergence of Taylor series
09/14/15 - 10:00PM MST
The New York City passport office
07/11/15 - 10:00PM MST
This ONE WEIRD TRICK for primality testing… doesn't work
03/13/15 - 10:00PM MST
ChatGPT on the fifth tarot suit
02/26/15 - 11:00PM MST
Math SE report 2023-02
02/19/15 - 11:00PM MST
Julie Cypher
02/05/15 - 11:00PM MST
Pylgremage of the Sowle
01/17/15 - 11:00PM MST
A serious proposal to exploit the loophole in the U.S. Constitution
01/16/15 - 11:00PM MST
More about triple border points
01/14/15 - 11:00PM MST
Benchmarking shell pipelines and the Unix “tools” philosophy
01/03/15 - 11:00PM MST
12/12/14 - 11:00PM MST
Puzzling historical artifact in “Programming Erlang”?
12/01/14 - 11:00PM MST
Consecutive squareful numbers
11/22/14 - 11:00PM MST
Help me ask why you didn't just…
11/06/14 - 11:00PM MST
A watched pot never boils
10/27/14 - 10:00PM MST
A linguistic oddity
10/20/14 - 10:00PM MST
Words change meanings
10/10/14 - 10:00PM MST
The pain of tracking down changes in U.S. law
10/02/14 - 10:00PM MST
How do I keep type constructors from overrunning my Haskell program?
10/01/14 - 10:00PM MST
Ida-related flooding in Philadelphia
10/01/14 - 10:00PM MST
Mystery of the missing skin tone
09/05/14 - 10:00PM MST
Conyngus in gravé
08/24/14 - 10:00PM MST
XKCD game theory question
08/22/14 - 10:00PM MST
Worst waterfall in the U.S. and Doug Burgum pays me $19
08/04/14 - 10:00PM MST
Philadelphia Slaughterhouse Hotel
07/02/14 - 10:00PM MST
Notes on rarely-seen game mechanics
05/03/14 - 10:00PM MST
I liked this simple calculus exercise
04/15/14 - 10:00PM MST
Best occupational name ever?
03/26/14 - 10:00PM MST
Compass directions in Catalan
03/20/14 - 10:00PM MST
I wish people would stop insisting that Git branches are nothing but refs
02/26/14 - 11:00PM MST
ChatGPT on the subject of four-digit numbers
02/22/14 - 11:00PM MST
Mystery twitter language
02/15/14 - 11:00PM MST
If I haven't replied to your email about Haskell…
02/09/14 - 11:00PM MST
We visit the town of Gap
02/03/14 - 11:00PM MST
Unix bc command and its -l flag
01/08/14 - 11:00PM MST
A little more about the pedagogy of what it means to be transcendental
12/30/13 - 11:00PM MST
10/13/13 - 10:00PM MST
Simpson's paradox and Maxine Hong Kingston's mom
10/05/13 - 10:00PM MST
Mixed-radix fractions in Bengali
08/21/13 - 10:00PM MST
Disabling the awful Macbook screen lock key
06/02/13 - 10:00PM MST
The disembodied heads of Oz
05/03/13 - 10:00PM MST
Why use cycle notation for permutations?
04/29/13 - 10:00PM MST
What to do if you're about to fail real analysis for the second time?
02/21/13 - 11:00PM MST
Dog breeds in Korean
02/15/13 - 11:00PM MST
Mosaic church
02/03/13 - 11:00PM MST
Annoying mathematical notation
01/23/13 - 11:00PM MST
Life with Dominus
01/18/13 - 11:00PM MST
Mike Wazowski's prevenge
01/18/13 - 11:00PM MST
One way in which Wiener pairs are simpler than Kuratowski pairs
11/01/12 - 10:00PM MST
Calendars change too
10/15/12 - 10:00PM MST
Mo in an alternate universe
09/01/12 - 10:00PM MST
Look at what they tried to take from us
08/06/12 - 10:00PM MST
Duckface in German
07/05/12 - 10:00PM MST
Quick Spanish etymology question
05/25/12 - 10:00PM MST
What's long and hard?
05/21/12 - 10:00PM MST
You are right! So, so right!
04/11/12 - 10:00PM MST
Human organ trafficking in Indiana
04/01/12 - 10:00PM MST
There is a Unix error device
03/14/12 - 10:00PM MST
Optimal boxes with and without lids
03/06/12 - 11:00PM MST
Early warning signs of shitty software
01/31/12 - 11:00PM MST
Horrible insurance kerfuffle gone good
12/31/11 - 11:00PM MST
Den goede of den kwade?
12/17/11 - 11:00PM MST
In simple English, what does it mean to be transcendental?
11/17/11 - 11:00PM MST
Oe wowe is me
10/26/11 - 10:00PM MST
The discrete logarithm, shorter and simpler
10/20/11 - 10:00PM MST
Tree search in Haskell
10/18/11 - 10:00PM MST
Newton's Method and its instability
10/18/11 - 10:00PM MST
Newton's Method but without calculus — or multiplication
10/12/11 - 10:00PM MST
Coat of arms of Zeppelin-Wappen
09/12/11 - 10:00PM MST
Historical diffusion of words for “eggplant”
09/11/11 - 10:00PM MST
My favorite luxurious office equipment is low-tech
09/09/11 - 10:00PM MST
A maybe-interesting number trick?
08/04/11 - 10:00PM MST
Can you identify this language?
07/31/11 - 10:00PM MST
Examples of dummy pronouns
07/07/11 - 10:00PM MST
Two sentences that made me stop to think
03/21/11 - 10:00PM MST
Trans-Siberian Railway
03/12/11 - 11:00PM MST
Werewolf ammunition
03/07/11 - 11:00PM MST
I vent my rage at dumbass Math SE comments
02/26/11 - 11:00PM MST
Multilingual transliteration corruption
02/14/11 - 11:00PM MST
Surnames from nicknames nobody has any more
02/09/11 - 11:00PM MST
A one-character omission caused my Python program to hang (not)
02/06/11 - 11:00PM MST
Jehovah's Witnesses do not number the days of the week
02/06/11 - 11:00PM MST
Polish Spam
02/04/11 - 11:00PM MST
One song to the tune of another
01/27/11 - 11:00PM MST
Many presentations of axiomatic set theory contain an error
01/09/11 - 11:00PM MST
Another test for divisibility by 7
01/06/11 - 11:00PM MST
Whatever became of the Peanuts kids?
11/27/10 - 11:00PM MST
Puzzling historical artifact in “Programming Erlang”?
11/25/10 - 11:00PM MST
What is not portable
11/16/10 - 11:00PM MST
I said it was obvious but it was false
11/12/10 - 11:00PM MST
Not the expected examples of nonbinary characters in fiction
11/08/10 - 11:00PM MST
Kuratowski pairs and Wiener pairs
10/27/10 - 10:00PM MST
Advice to a novice programmer
10/24/10 - 10:00PM MST
Horizontal and vertical complexity
09/13/10 - 10:00PM MST
Pope Fibonacci
09/08/10 - 10:00PM MST
Gantō's axe does have computational content
09/04/10 - 10:00PM MST
Zucchinis and Eggplants
08/28/10 - 10:00PM MST
Tiny life hack: paint your mouse dongles
07/29/10 - 10:00PM MST
“Forensic” doesn't mean what I thought it did
07/10/10 - 10:00PM MST
The pillar box war
05/06/10 - 10:00PM MST
Show how the student could have solved it
04/28/10 - 10:00PM MST
Thought on cynicism
04/24/10 - 10:00PM MST
Odd translation choices
04/19/10 - 10:00PM MST
Let's go find out!
04/17/10 - 10:00PM MST
Unordered pairs à la Wiener
04/15/10 - 10:00PM MST
Recent addenda to articles 202303
04/02/10 - 10:00PM MST
My horse Pongo
03/25/10 - 10:00PM MST
Bad but interesting mathematical notation idea
03/09/10 - 11:00PM MST
Henry G. Baker archive
03/07/10 - 11:00PM MST
More about the seventh root of a 14-digit number
02/28/10 - 11:00PM MST
Quicker and easier ways to get more light
02/28/10 - 11:00PM MST
My mistake about errors in the presentation of axiomatic set theory
02/23/10 - 11:00PM MST
Construing cube faces as pairs of something or other
02/20/10 - 11:00PM MST
Finding the seventh root of 19203908986159
02/18/10 - 11:00PM MST
Factoring composite numbers into nearly equal factors
02/05/10 - 11:00PM MST
The magic mirror in Snow White
02/01/10 - 11:00PM MST
Was the Lollipop Guild inspired by W.W. Denslow?
01/28/10 - 11:00PM MST
01/15/10 - 11:00PM MST
Monsters University was a refreshing departure from the moral inanity of the typical kids’ movie
01/13/10 - 11:00PM MST