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2008-11-19 by

The purpose of this blog is to announce changes to  Fancy that I don't even have an RSS feed for this blog even though the purpose of this site is to aggregate those feeds.  Rest assured that's on the to-do list.  Here are some other ideas I intend to implement:

  • recommend option so you can invite friends to get updates on feeds
  • tags and categories operating independently of each other
  • better control over the daily email
  • a facebook app for sharing feeds
  • a logo (anyone interested in helping?)

What have I done so far:

  • ability to add feeds and get daily updates about new posts
  • user preferences to personalize the daily email and other parts of the site
  • ability to see the daily email online
  • basic faq section
  • basic timezone support so you see things in your timezone.

Now that I've said that, let me explain the basic idea of this site. is simply a solution to a problem I've had over the last couple years: how do I keep up with all the blogs I want to (talking hundreds or even thousands) without being overwhelmed by the deluge of information?  Likewise, how do I find new blogs?  Typically, I find new blogs by seeing what blogs someone lists on their blog, which can get outdated and is surely incomplete.  If you put all the major feeds you follow on, you'll be able to publish that list to the world.  It is only attached to a username so you can be as public or private as you want.  The hope is that the social networking aspect will become a bigger part of the site over time and you'll get a nice balance of what's happening on the blogs you want to follow and a steady trickle of new feeds to add to your list.  I want to make the management of your subscription list as easy and seamless as possible.  I've already started to turn the email into a mini-application that lets you unsubscribe from the feeds you don't want.

Just for the record, this site is currently beta which means:

  • not everything is guaranteed
  • things might change dramatically (probably more in the layout and information architecture than functionality)
The goal is to make a site that is simple, easy, polished, and robust.  I hope to keep it as lightweight and free as possible.  That being said, some day my plan is to add a donation option as the means to keep it going.  I'd prefer to not use ads or some other way.

Of course, I'm open to your thoughts and suggestions

~ Garth aka thaabit

site creator, administrator.